A Trusted Lending Partner

Partner Community Capital™ (PCAP) has successfully partnered with banks and community-based lenders of all sizes to ensure borrowers get the funding and wrap-around services needed to make their project happen. Here are some of the ways we work with other lending institutions.

Two Lenders With A Borrower At Business | Lending Partner

Co-Lending & Participations

We frequently partner with other lending institutions to share risk and increase the total financing available to a borrower. Collaborating with Partner Community Capital (PCAP) can help your lending institution say “yes” to a loan when collateral or equity is not quite sufficient to meet your internal underwriting standards. We do this in a variety of ways:

  • PCAP can co-lend as a business lending partner with your institution — as a senior lender, a subordinate lender, or on a pari passu basis.
  • We can take a loan participation in loans that you originate.
  • Your institution can participate in loans that we originate.

Subordinated Debt

In some cases, PCAP’s more flexible collateral requirements allow us to provide subordinated debt that fills the capital gap between the company’s total financing needs and what your institution can provide. We can help you preserve your collateral position by providing this patient capital.


Banks can refer prospective and existing customers to PCAP for financing. We can help your bank maintain its other relationships with a valued customer (e.g., treasury services, deposits, credit cards, insurance, etc.).

Business Advisory Services

We work with a network of resource partners who are ready to help clients complete a business plan, improve operations, or generate the financial projections they’ll need to successfully apply for a loan.  Our WV Women’s Business Center has in-house advisors, or PCAP can contract with outside experts if needed, as resources allow.

Credit Enhancement Programs

Partner Community Capital is an SBA 7(a) Community Advantage Lender and SBA 504 Lender and is certified by the USDA as a Business & Industry Guarantee (B&I), Intermediary Relending Program (IRP), and Rural Microenterprise Assistance Program (RMAP) lender. PCAP also raises grants and concessionary capital for strategic target sectors – see our Special Programs for more information.

Interested in partnering with PCAP on a loan? Please fill out the below inquiry form and we’ll follow up as soon as possible.

Note: If you are interested in borrowing money from PCAP, please contact the lender in your area.

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